Our brand is committed to bringing you Fresh fruits and vegetables straight from harvest & at their optimum taste and quality - CEO Fresh Daily Ng

By Kemi Mobuse - Thursday, June 02, 2016

For most of us, the taste of the food we buy is every bit as important as the cost, if not more so. When food is not in season locally, it’s either grown in a hothouse or shipped in from other parts of the world, and both affect the taste. 
“Foods lose flavor just as they lose moisture when they are held. Fresh, locally harvested foods have their full, whole flavors intact, which they release to us when we eat them,” explains Susan Herrmann Loomis, owner of On Rue Tatin Cooking School in France and author of numerous cookbooks. 

That is why Fresh Daily Ng created their brand to dedicate themselves to bringing  fresh farm produces directly to homes and restaurants across the country.

In the interview their CEO had with KMB, he chronicles their brand journey for us, read below;

Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we meet you?

Fresh Daily Ng: My name is Kabir Onimisi Ademoh
Kemi Mobuse blog: What do you do?
Fresh Daily Ng: I am the CEO of Fresh Daily. Fresh Daily aims to grow and supply vegetables and basic groceries directly to the public.
We grow in urban spaces and employ sustainable bio-intensive farming methods

Kemi Mobuse blog: What inspired your going into agriculture/ farming as a profession?
Fresh Daily Ng: I was born into an agricultural family but my keen interest in the business started in 2012, when I worked with Miss Fatima Oyiza; a social innovator that was running the Youth Agro Entrepreneurs project. I worked as a communications officer and I was privy to a lot of data on consumer pattern in Nigerian market. I spotted a gap in gardening and fresh food products. So, I decided to start growing vegetables
Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand and how old is it?

Fresh Daily Ng: Fresh Daily. It will be a year old in June
Kemi Mobuse blog: How has the market reception been?
Fresh Daily Ng: The reception has been great but, we are still trying to perfect logistic solutions.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What major challenges have you had to deal with and how did you solve them?
Fresh Daily Ng: My biggest challenge had been creating a consistent logistic solution.
Because we deliver directly to consumers, we run a very high cost for transportation and organizing our orders. We managed to overcome that, by strategizing and taking courses in supply chain management, we also applied for entrepreneur development programme which we are currently under going
Kemi Mobuse blog: What can you say being an agriculturist has taught you?

Fresh Daily Ng: Been an agriculturist has taught me patience.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What do you aim to achieve with your brand?
Fresh Daily Ng: We aim to create a healthier and sustainable food system that understands the food Tastes and health needs of the consumers.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What and what products can Nigerians look forward to getting from fresh daily ng?

Fresh Daily Ng: Tomatoes, Habanero peppers, Coriander, Eggs, Carrots, Green peas, Salad mixes, Beetroot and more.

Kemi Mobuse blog: Any advice for upcoming entrepreneurs?
Fresh Daily Ng: I am still an upcoming entrepreneur myself!
I can only tell anyone like me to hold on, be relentless and acknowledge your successes no matter how small.
Kemi Mobuse blog: How can you be contacted?
Fresh Daily Ng: Call 09050487217.
IG: @freshdailyng

Thanks alot

freshly harvested beetroot

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