Juggling both of my businesses was very easy for me to do,because of just one word : "Passion" - Founder Austa's Concepts & Designs

By Kemi Mobuse - Sunday, June 05, 2016

Going into business can be a daunting and demanding experience, so it’s important not to overload yourself with extra stresses. It is always best to focus your time and energy on one business, learn the ropes, then expand – you’ll thank yourself later.  

When you however feel, that; you are ready to juggle multiple businesses, you should be sure that you have enough hands to catch every ball.
Surround yourself with talented people that support your vision; and at the same time keep your ears and eyes open to their opinions, particularly when entering into foreign markets.  

This can best describe  what the Founder of Austa's Concept had in mind, when she started her makeup business and later decided to make a profession of her Jewelry and accessories line as well.
KMB wanted to know how she was able to juggle and manage both brands effectively, and her answer was simple...excerpts below;

Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we meet you? What do you do?

Austa's Concepts: I am the Founder of Austa's Concepts & Designs a Makeup sales and service company, and an Exquisite bespoke handcrafted beaded Jewelry and Accessories company that also offers training.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What inspired your going into the makeup and Jewelry business?

Austa's Concepts: I loved the art of beauty. I have always had admiration for the intricacy of every fine jewelry and accessory I ever came across. Having always known, I have a God given talent that needed to be put to proper use, I decided to start making beaded jewelries and accessories for myself and also for friends and family; in return, I got a lot of commendation and encouragement. That spurred me on and made me know; this is it!

Austa's Lip Solution; our first line of lip products was launched early January 2016. Helping ladies and women in general achieve their signature looks, by giving them a chance to be able to customize their looks and rock their favourite quality lip colour however they want to; on the go was the inspiration behind it. Basically; a product to have fun with. It was also launched to enable makeup artists have a more organized outlook while making up their clients.

Kemi Mobuse blog: In how many colours does Austa lips solution come in?

Austa's Concepts: Austa's Lip Solution comprises of various textures and colours all in one pack with a whole day wear, and whole day luster. Now, how amazing can that be?

Kemi Mobuse blog: What can you say, has made your brand a Success, with you juggling more than one brand at a go?

Austa's Concepts: As an entrepreneur; focus and love for what you do is very key. Due to the fact that, there is a lot of passion involved in what I do; it makes it easier to pull through.

Kemi Mobuse blog: Any advice for upcoming entrepreneurs?

Austa's Concepts: My advice for upcoming entrepreneurs will be that; they should keep on being focused on their vision, and they are bound to breakthrough and excel from there.

Kemi Mobuse blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
Austa's Concepts: Email: austasconcepts@gmail.com
Phone No: +2348030751262
Instagram: @austasconcepts
Facebook: Austa's Concepts & Designs

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