I am an entrepreneur, I package and sell Garri for a living - Final Year Student & the CEO of "My Gari"
By Kemi Mobuse - Thursday, May 05, 2016

That is why, when I was privileged to come across Ms Tolulope Aina, the CEO of My Gari, I knew I had to grab my fans and I an exclusive, and that's exactly what I did, she is a student as well as an entrepreneur, isn't that something? Read on below;
Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we meet you? What do you do?
My Gari: My name is Aina Tolulope, a proud agriculturist. I process and package gari under the management of Tolulope foods and the brand name for this particular product is My Gari.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What inspired your starting your brand? Why garri in particular?
My Gari: The choice of gari as a product came to be, when, I took part in a practical year training program (PYTP) at the university of Ibadan. I got thrilled by the general process involved in planting cassava tubers, nurturing them to maturity, harvesting and then the processing coupled with the fact that; Nigeria is the largest producer of Cassava in the world, Gari is locally consumed by all and the product has good potentials for export. What would then have differentiated me as an educated agriculturist if I don't add that extra touch called packaging? A lot more factors spurred and motivated the choice of the product Gari(with time we intend to incorporate other products), but the reality is this, everyone must eat and the collective responsibility of agriculturists is to ensure that the products demanded by consumers are made available at affordable prices that optimally meet their satisfaction. I understand that the modern market is moving from the general crowded market to online market, superstores, marts,and post orders. The average Nigerian home is interested in some level of neatness and orderliness, therefore if a commodity is affordable and of a better quality, the demand increases daily. The brand also produces the product as souvenir items for parties.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand and how old is it?
My Gari: MY GARI,It launched in October 2015.
Kemi Mobuse blog: How has the market reception been since then?
My Gari: A warm reception was envisaged and received. With the menace of Lassa fever, customers that patronize us, often encourage their friends and families to patronize us also. Though the business is a SME (small and medium scale enteprise). There are plans for expansion and we're also calling out to investors, looking out for government grants to propel the business to a larger scale of production.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What major challenges have you experienced since inception?
My Gari: Fluctuations in prices of Cassava, production cost can never be certain. Transportation, delivery means. But all this will be sorted once the scale of production is improved upon and there are more funds to put the right things in place.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What can you say, being an entrepreneur has taught you?
My Gari: It has taught me to be responsible, innovative, to be a good leader, optimistic, Have integrity, drive and be a catalyst for positive change.
Kemi Mobuse blog: Is this all you currently do for a living?
My Gari: I am a final year student of the University of Ibadan studying Agricultural Economics, I am also into fashion as I currently own and run a clothing line.

Kemi Mobuse blog: Any advice for upcoming entrepreneurs?
My Gari: Entrepreneurs are risk takers, that's what differentiates us, anyone can have a fantastic idea but not everyone can nurture that idea to reality, I congratulate you for the ability to turn your ideas to reality but the journey doesn't end there, be sure you will face challenges, major ones that might even make you want to doubt the whole idea, stay strong, be persistent, be calculative, patience is key, fuel your passion, keep developing your skills in your area of expertise, above all, put God first in everything you do then the sky would be your starting point.
Kemi Mobuse blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
Kemi Mobuse blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
My Gari: Tolulope.aina@aiesec.net
Call/Whatsapp +2348069072839
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