Looking to update your Children's Library and expand their Vocabularies? Tam's Ink is your go to brand..
By Kemi Mobuse - Sunday, May 29, 2016
They specialize in the sale of quality picture and story Boardbooks, Hardcover books, Educational paperbacks, Audio books, DVDs, Audio CDs and Puzzles that have been specially selected based on the Quality and High recommendations with the aim of providing parents with easy access to classic best selling and award winning picture books and other children’s entertainment that add value to children’s learning, imagination and social development.
We believe more than ever that today’s children need Real books as we are now in the digital era. There are educational and social lessons to be learned when a child can learn from an early age to put gadgets aside and experience a real book - Tam's InkKMB had an exclusive interview with the CEO, and she shed more light on what her her brand is about..Excerpts below;
Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we meet you? What do
you do?
Tams Ink: My name
is Tolulope Mebude
I run Tams Ink Online Bookstore. We specialize in picture books for babies and children.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand and how old is it?
I run Tams Ink Online Bookstore. We specialize in picture books for babies and children.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand and how old is it?
Tams Ink: The
brand name is Tam's Ink. It is about 8 months old.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What inspired your going
into this field in particular?
Tams Ink: I've
always been interested in children and their development; how quickly they seem
to grow and soak up information.
That's what inspired the Online Bookstore
That's what inspired the Online Bookstore
Kemi Mobuse blog: What major challenges have
you had to deal with starting out?
Tams Ink: I'd say
it's trying to restock with the current Forex exchange situation, the books
have had to become slightly more expensive than I'd have wanted it.
Kemi Mobuse blog: How has the market
reception been since inception?
Tams Ink: Funny
enough, a lot of parents want books for their children. And schools always want
to update their libraries. So it's been great.
Kemi Mobuse blog: How exactly does Tam Ink
work? With schools and all?
Tams Ink: We
recommend award winning picture books according to ages I.E 0-2 years, 2-4
years etc mostly for preschools. We do a review of those books with the school
head and once the school approves, we supply.
Kemi Mobuse blog: And what do you plan to achieve with Tam Ink in say 5 years?
Kemi Mobuse blog: And what do you plan to achieve with Tam Ink in say 5 years?
Tams Ink: In 5 years, the plan is for Tams Ink to be the first bookstore that comes to mind
when searching for a special good quality book for our little ones and all
other learning accessories.
Kemi Mobuse blog: Is this all you currently
do for a living?
Tams Ink: Yes. It
is all I do for now.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What can you say being an entrepreneur has taught you?
Kemi Mobuse blog: What can you say being an entrepreneur has taught you?
Tams Ink: It has
taught me to handle the big responsibility of nurturing a Business from almost
nothing and growing it to become something big
Kemi Mobuse blog: Any advice for upcoming
Tams Ink: My
advice would be for upcoming entrepreneurs to be consistent and
Kemi Mobuse blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
Kemi Mobuse blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
Tams Ink: I can
be reached via the website; www.tamsinkbooks.com.
Thank you!