By Kemi Mobuse - Friday, April 08, 2016

1. WD-40 is the New Child Proofer

For those of you who had some hiccups in the child raising department, WD-40 is here to help. It is a little known fact that the oil usually used to silence a squeaky wheel will remove crayon markings from almost any surface, especially those precious walls.

2. Remove Furniture Marks with Ice Cubes

Heavy furniture leaves marks on carpet that can seem impossible to remove. Lay ice cubes on top of the pattern to raise the carpet slowly but surely.

3. Mark Your Spot on the Tape Roll with a Toothpick

Tape, like toilet paper, can be tricky when it comes to finding the spot where you left off. Try placing a toothpick underneath the end of the tape when you are finished to mark your spot and avoid time wasted searching for the tiny bump in the smooth tape roll next time you need it.

4. Organize Power Chords with Toilet Paper Rolls
Tangled chords take years off of our lives and youth from our faces. Containing your chords inside of an old toilet paper roll can keep them ready to use and away from each other so that you can spend valuable time with friends and family instead of untangling wires.

5. Cutting through Sandpaper Makes Scissors Sharper

Some of us use scissors so much that after a while they end up looking like the blunt Crayola brand blades we buy for our children. This does not have to be the case, though, because you can keep your trusty pair of scissors sharp by occasionally cutting through a piece of sandpaper.

 6.Lemon and Kosher Salt Cleans a Cutting Board

Cutting boards are the war zone of the kitchen and they take a lot of beating. Clean 
old grime off and sanitize them by sprinkling kosher salt onto the surface and rubbing it face down with a cut lemon.

7. Test Egg Freshness Using Water
Eggs hold all of their goodness inside, which means it can be tough to tell if eggs are still good Without cracking them open. Use a glass of water and place the egg in question into it. If it sinks to the bottom, it is still fresh, but if it rises to the top it is no longer good and can be pitched.

8. Bread Tags for Power Chord Jungles
Wading through the tangled chords in your house can sometimes feel like being in the movie Jumanji. Decrease the confusion by using bread twist tags to label the plugs of each item they are connected to, helping you avoid electrocution while fiddling with the jumbled wiring.

9. Mark Your Keys with Nail Polish
Most of us spend the equivalent of years of our lives fumbling over the endless stream of keys that lock us out of our home, PO box, lock boxes, and sanity. To cut down on this wasted time and to ease nightmares that involve robbers chasing you from behind as you struggle to find the key to your front door, mark each key with distinctly colored nail polish and learn the color coordinated system like any competent second grader.

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