Are you very smart? Can answer these brain teasers??? Prove it!

By Kemi Mobuse - Tuesday, April 19, 2016


You must be really smart to be able to answer these, but because  i love you, i supplied the answers below: 
1. two heads are better than one
2. look before you leap
3. red herring
4. Washington ate here
5. purple haze
6. for the common defense
7. rose colored glasses
8. an inside man
9. woman on the side
10. lounging around the house
11. ready for the big time
12. backhanded
13. easy as pie
14. off on a tangent
15. star crossed lovers

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  1. 1. two heads are better than one
    2. look before you leap
    3. red herring
    4. Washington ate here
    5. purple haze
    6. for the common defense
    7. rose colored glasses
    8. an inside man
    9. woman on the side
    10. lounging around the house
    11. ready for the big time
    12. backhanded
    13. easy as pie
    14. off on a tangent
    15. star crossed lovers

    I'm too much!!!

  2. Hmmmmm. raed the answers already, hehe
