My brand was born to satisfy the needs of the wellness conscious consumers _ CEO MERAKI Organic Handmade Suds

By Kemi Mobuse - Saturday, April 16, 2016

The skin is usually the first thing that people tend to notice about you, especially when it is well taken care of, given the right food and drink and  it really glows. However, with the influx of so many products in the market, that are said to skin food, which instead does, little of what they are promised, it is no wonder, everyone seems to be leaning inward, and going back to their roots, hence the wide reception of organic soaps, oils and creams in the market nowadays.

I was privileged to interview, an inspiring lady, the CEO of Meraki Organic handmade soaps, whose brand was born to meet the needs of the wellness consumers she sensed in the market; excerpts below:

Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we meet you?

Soap Bakery: My name is Tosin Olabimtan Child of God, Mother, Entrepreneur and coach.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What do you do?

Soap Bakery: My name is Tosin Olabimtan Child of God, Mother, Entrepreneur and coach.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand and how old is it?

Soap Bakery: MERAKI Organic Handmade Suds, Five years old.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What inspired you going into soap production?

Soap Bakery: Five years ago, I started trusting God for another venture that will be at least 80% local content, but didn't get an answer until a little over a year ago, when I got an answer which was confirmed by the need in the market place. A lot of cosmetic products in the market are not healthy for humans, yet they are packaged attractively and with heavy money spent on advertising, consumers are made to buy these products marketed as "safe for use" and addressing several issues of the skin. However, this is mostly untrue.
MERAKI Organic Handmade Suds was birthed to satisfy the needs of the wellness conscious consumers a year ago.
Kemi Mobuse blog: How has the market been since inception?

Soap Bakery: We started by making bespoke soap bars and giving to family and friends as gifts on special occasions. Each person that received our soap bar once they use it, call for more and tell their friends. They individually share their testimonies on the product and the demand started growing. Our products are made with raw materials which are high quality edible raw materials sourced from reliable and responsible sources.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What challenges have you experienced since inception that almost made you give up?

Soap Bakery: The regulatory authorities however have been a challenge to us, as we are expected to have a factory with 4 rooms to operate. Even though at the moment, we produce from a property that is not residential but in a residential estate.
When I started , I gave myself a target of making soap at least 3 times in a week , this is apart from my other jobs , because batch after batch I found myself dreaming of new designs , compositions etc. the passion grew so much that I was making soap 5 working days of the week, but one day I sat back and looked at the amount of money I had spent buying raw materials and making soap , I had almost 800 bars of soap and no large purchase ,I was so depressed but then I went back to my closet and told God that He asked me to start , so He should prove Himself. He did, that same week I was doing my regular job at my desk when a call came from a cousin and she said my organic soap will be needed as gift hampers for a high brow society wedding, the initial order was 500 bars of organic soap.

Kemi Mobuse blog: Why soap in particular? Why not say cream and the likes?

Soap Bakery: Organic soap in particular because, every sane human being must bath, and the skin is the largest single organ of our body, so why expose yourself to harmful chemicals this way.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What has been an entrepreneur taught you?

Soap Bakery: Being an entrepreneur has opened my eyes to the fact that you must always be open to opportunities, learning and discovering new things.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What advice will you give to future entrepreneurs?

Soap Bakery: Patience, diligence is the key.  An entrepreneur must practice patience and diligence. Giving up easily is not in the dictionary of an entrepreneur.

Kemi Mobuse blog: How was starting up for you capital wise?

Soap Bakery: Never despise humble beginnings, started with very little funds, because I wanted to God to prove that He is in the business, He has proven Himself. I give Him all the glory.

Kemi Mobuse blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
Soap Bakery: Our pick up centre is at:-
Call: 08023022383
Instagram: @soap__bakery

More pictures below:

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