Are you an Entrepreneur? Looking for ways to improve and Grow your brand? Then, this is just for you!

By Kemi Mobuse - Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Two Edge Partners Global Monthly Entrepreneurs Mentorship Program (MEMP) is a mentorship session which comes up every 3rd Friday of every month. The MEMP tries to build the entrepreneurs mindset by helping them think strategically towards their business. It is about business idea enhancement, partnership and collaborative opportunities; it is about creative and innovative thought processes in handling your business.

At the MEMP we take a look at your business or potential business startup and help you look at what you can do differently, how you can do it differently and why you should do it differently.

It is purely an interactive Mentorship session which is open to young budding entrepreneurs and Start Ups who are looking for guidance, direction and counseling in their various businesses.

Two Edge Partners Global Ltd (MEMP)
17, Jibowu Street, Jibowu - Yaba, Lagos
Tel: 08022591961

Registration Fee: N3,000.00

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