My most memorable experience was seeing a football team wearing what I produced - CEO Jerseys Official
By Kemi Mobuse - Friday, May 06, 2016
Thinking outside the box to carve a niche for yourself and your brand is a great leap of faith in my opinion. Its like closing your eyes, while attempting to walk on water, but then, when you have faith and you serve God, absolutely nothing is impossible.
Right here, is a young man, who decided to do ,what has not been done before, and if his facts were right, he will be a forerunner and pacesetter in his field.
That;my friends, is a story worth reading, and one worth worth on below;
Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we know you?
Jerseys Official: My name is Ekunode Abayomi.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What do you do?
Jerseys Official: I'm a business man; I deal in football merchandise, from sales of European club jerseys to local team jersey production.
Kemi Mobuse blog: Can you expatiate a bit on that?
Jerseys Official: Alright. I sell imported European football club jerseys and customize them locally, and also produce local football team jerseys for teams in 'the socialiga and in TPL(Twitter premier league)
Kemi Mobuse blog: Why Jersey in particular?What inspired your going into this field?
Jerseys Official: Okay, I'm a football lover and I discovered that Nigerians find it difficult to get quality jerseys in Nigeria except they order from abroad, which makes it quite expensive. I spoke to a friend about it and I got introduced to someone that could import these jerseys in large quantities and I customized here in the country. That's where it all began
Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand and how old is it?
Jerseys Official: The name of my brand is 'Jerseysofficial' and its 2years old.
Kemi Mobuse blog: How did you start out and how has the market reception been?
Jerseys Official: I opened a Twitter account @jerseysofficial and tweeted about it. The reception was slow, just like every other business, but with time, it grew, and it's been very good.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What major challenges have you experienced since starting out and how did you cope. More importantly, what did you learn from them?
Jerseys Official: Well, there will always be challenges, but the major one is delivery, and that was at the beginning of the business. Having to ship orders to different states in Nigeria, but these days, it's getting better and deliveries are made on time.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What can you say being an entrepreneur has taught you?
Jerseys Official: Being an entrepreneur has taught me to be responsible for every action I take, it has taught me to never stop making moves, it has taught me to be independent.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What is your most memorable experience yet, since you started?Jerseys Official: The time I did my first team jersey production. I was happy seeing a football team wearing what I produced.
Kemi Mobuse blog: Given a chance to meet a prominent personality in your field of work, who would you choose? And what would you say to him?
Jerseys Official: My field of work 'production of jerseys' is a rare one and if I'm correct, I'm the first jersey producing company in the country. I look up to Adidas, Nike, puma, etc. So if I could meet CEO's of any of those companies, I will be glad.
Kemi Mobuse blog: Any advice for future entrepreneurs?
Jerseys Official: I always say, Never stop making moves, your business can only get bigger
Kemi Mobuse blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
My Twitter - @blvck_skinhead
My Instagram - @Not.on.IG
My website -
My Instagram - @Not.on.IG
My website -
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