Looking for Edgy shoes that will give you that will give your outfit the sharp look you always crave for? Then, get in here.
By Kemi Mobuse - Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Nigeria entrepreneurs are not playing at all, apparently, all they have been looking for is; a chance or simply an opportunity to showcase their talent.
The made in Nigeria movement,currently trending is the prefect chance most people have been looking for, and they have been making ample use of it.
Mr Tunde Akinsanmi, the CEO of Edgy foot works is one of such, though, his brand has been in business for 3 years, he is really talented and has distinctive taste as his crafts shows.
Mr Tunde in his own words said:
I always loved the art of making shoes.it probably stemmed from the difficulty I faced in getting nice shoes in my size while growing up. This resulted in me having to describe and draw up what I want for shoemakers to get it made for me. I consequently went into the shoe business owing mostly to the fact that others kept asking where I got my shoes and I would tell them I actually make them. in doing this, i was able to amass clients but there was a lot of skepticism from customers at first as to the quality of shoes made in Nigeria, it was constantly being compared to imported shoes from China and European countries. As time went by and with a lot of dedication and hard work clients have come to trust my brand and the services I deliver to them.
As an entrepreneur, he said, he has learnt that: " business just like life has it's ups and downs but one has to keep
pressing on till one hits the mark". and he advised upcoming entrepreneurs to: Dream big,start small,grow fast.
He can be contacted on Instagram:
@edgyfootworks, 08178146152 or via email: Info@edgyfootworks.com.
More pictures of his works below: