Inspiring! I started my photography business with just N1,500 - CEO Recre8 Images

By Kemi Mobuse - Sunday, March 20, 2016

Back then in the University, when i knew Olawale Labiyi, the now CEO of Recre8 Images, i was pretty sure, i have never met a more hardworking and dedicated "Farmer" Lol!. we studied same course; Animal Nutrition, and all what we studied was put into real practical use by Olawale, he was always present in class, i doubt i have ever seen him miss any lecture and he was always amiable while doing it all. 

Am therefore not surprised, that, he is able to use the little he has then, to become the masterpiece he is now;

Lets hear his story.....

Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we meet you?
Recre8 Images: I'm Olawale Labiyi. A graduate of Animal Nutrition from the Fed Univ of Agric Abeokuta, from Oyo state, currently Single.
Kemi Mobuse blog: What do you do?
Recre8 Images: I'm a Professional Photographer
Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand?
Recre8 Images: The name of my brand is recre8 images
Kemi Mobuse blog: And what inspired you to go into photography
Recre8 Images: The hunger to create my own images as I used to be into graphics design
Kemi Mobuse blog: How old is your brand now and how has the market reception been?
Recre8 Images: My Brand is 5 years but this is my 3rd year in photography. Market reception, all I can say is i'm enjoying God's grace and Favour
Kemi Mobuse blog: How did you start out, capital wise?
Recre8 Images: I started with a capital of 1k5, and today we give God the glory

Kemi Mobuse blog: Wow, just 1,500? What were you able to achieve with that?
Recre8 Images: Printings! I printed pictures for my church. And my first client got to see the pictures
Kemi Mobuse blog: Is this your sole source of livelihood?
Recre8 Images: Photography isn't my whole source of livelihood as God is the main source
Kemi Mobuse blog: Can you see yourself doing anything else? And why?
Recre8 Images: Well, I see myself doing Agric later in life, because it's what I stayed up in the University for😊

Kemi Mobuse blog: Given a chance to start over. What would you do differently?
Given a chance to start over, I would start photography like some 10 years back
Kemi Mobuse blog: What has been your most memorable experience since date?
Recre8 Images: Most memorable was how I got my first shoot.
 Kemi Mobuse blog: What have you learnt from been an entrepreneur?

Recre8 Images: Lesson learnt: I would rather Put the effort I would use in building another man's empire in building my own bungalow because my bungalow would one day become an empire

Kemi Mobuse blog: Who is your role model?

Recre8 Images: My role model is my Big Dad... Mr Segun Labiyi (Arksego Securities)
Kemi Mobuse blog: What is your motivation to succeed?
Recre8 Images: God is my motivation and the want to win @ all times
Kemi Mobuse blog: And what is your definition of success?
Recre8 Images: Definition of success to me is when u can impact on people's lives and after u gone u are always remembered for your great and good legacies
Kemi Mobuse blog: If you want to capture the image of something or someone, what can you say draws you in? So you can come up with the perfect picture?
Recre8 Images: What attracts me to a picture, Expression and 2 colors: Blue & green
Kemi Mobuse blog: What 3 advices will you give to upcoming entrepreneurs?
Recre8 Images: 1. whatever u find yourself doing always do it well
2. Persistence will push to a greater height
3. In all things, put God first

Kemi Mobuse blog: How can you be contacted?
Recre8 Images: Pin: 2BB2362F and my nos 08073899014, 08035253492 and on insta: @recre8images

Kemi Mobuse blog: Thank you for your time dear

Recre8 Images: ok dear, you are welcome.
more pictures below;

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