Inspiring!I sold my iphone to start my photography business!- CEO Buksvisuals

By Kemi Mobuse - Saturday, March 26, 2016

SO, my cousin feels that, i have been showing off my colleagues and their crafts too much, she then decided its high time, i start showcased that of her own colleagues too. 

That was how i got to know the talented CEO of Buksvisuals, he is obviously in love what he does, and is more than happy to share with us too...

Kemi Mobuse blog: Can we meet you?

Buksvisuals: I am Mr ogunrinde bukunmi

Kemi Mobuse blog: What do you do?

Buksvisuals: I am an entrepreneur and a photographer

Kemi Mobuse blog: What inspired your going into photography?

Buksvisuals: Photography has been part of me since i was a child, i love to take people pictures, and it's actually a family thing, we all love to capture moments. I’m just d only one that took it further as a profession in the family for now.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What is the name of your brand and how old is it?

Buksvisuals: I started photography as a business; a year and some months now.
My brand name is Buksvisual.

Kemi Mobuse blog: How has the reception been? Do you have a strong client base now?

Buksvisuals: It has been great really, it’s just basically my works that speaks for me, I don’t really do much marketing asides Instagram and people have been reaching out to me from everywhere

Kemi Mobuse blog: How did you start out capital wise?

Buksvisuals: Starting was a little bit rough I had to sell my iphone at that time then, with the little savings I had, I managed to go ahead and start.

Kemi Mobuse blog: What do you love most about being a photographer?

Buksvisuals: I love the fact that it connects me with people, I love meeting people

Kemi Mobuse blog: What challenges have you experienced?

Buksvisuals: There are several challenges that I have faced, but I would just mention few,
-Taking pictures that are out blown and no way to rectify them on Photoshop, I once covered a full wedding ceremony alone because my back up photographer was stuck in Lagos traffic, Taking a wedding even while I was sick.

Kemi Mobuse blog: When you r taking pictures, do you suggest poses or you let people get creative themselves?

Buksvisuals: I suggest poses, that’s what makes you a good photographer, creativity.

Kemi Mobuse blog: Any advice for future entrepreneurs?

Buksvisuals: There is no little amount of money to start a business, what you already have is enough; you just need the courage to start.

Kemi Mobuse blog: How can you be contacted?

Buksvisuals: Email-Bukunmiogunrinde
bbm - 5C071C0A

sneak peeks of his works below: 

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