I'm a Computer Scientist turned Baker says the CEO of Jojos homemade

By Kemi Mobuse - Monday, August 21, 2017

Since my venture into the blogging world, I have been coming across occasional mentions of Granola as a means to assist in losing weight, but, the pictures I have been coming across doesn't make me perceive it as something I'll actually eat, let alone enjoy.mbanu! I no want😏😑😑😑

This however changed when my beautiful cousin decided to join the fray with Jojos Homemade, my curiosity was piqued and I had her send one over to me, just for tasting purpose .

But on tasting the Granola, IYANNMI!!OHMYGOODNESS!!!!😍 I loveeeeeeeee it! I couldn't even bear to put it down, I was just munching away like a child let loose in a ice cream van !
Choi! I was even miffed that ; my cousin took so long to tell me about it, hian!

Long story short sha, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided its time to sit her down for a chat about her new business and oh boy! I'm really glad I did, cuz this cousin of mine is an enterprising lady and if you read on, I bet you will agree with me too.....

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Can we meet you?

Jojos Homemade: My name is Jumoke Oluyinka-Ojo

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What do you do?

Jojos Homemade: I make freshly baked granola and granola bars😫

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Is this all you do for a living?

Jojos Homemade: No ma. I work full time as well

Kemi Mobuse Blog: So tell us all about you and your brand, how it came to be, your inspiration, challenges, what you aim to achieve with your brand and where you see it going etcera.

Jojos Homemade: ☺..I guess I am the inquisitive type...lol... I came across several pictures of people doing it on Instagram and I then decided to try it out as well. After I did it, I then posted on my personal page on; I received a lot of complimentary messages in my DM as well as comment section about the granola I made. Some even went as far as requesting that I sell it to them.

I then continued making it for personal consumption at home. This was in 2016. Then sometime in March 2017… a friend and I were discussing about healthy living and weight loss because we have just given birth to our babies then and needed to go back to our various pre-pregnancy sizes.
I told her then, that; I can make Granola and we will get yogurt.

She encouraged me to start selling that people will definitely buy. I took her advice and proceeded to make the first batch in April 2017, will you believe it sold out that week? Same happened the second week when I made another batch...and it’s been like that since April.

I have had days when I had to make them during the night as well as when everyone else was asleep. On such occasions, I rarely get up to 4 hours of sleep before day break.🙈🙈.

Keeping records for accounting purpose was a challenge in the beginning as I dint have the accounting background but my sister a financial analyst was able to put me through. I now have all my information on a database that I update daily.  

Pricing was also a challenge in the beginning as I couldn’t quite get my head around how to calculate per unit et al.

Eventually, I had to stop buying things off the shelf at the supermarket when I discovered that; the cost was too high and I was not making any profit. I finally resorted to going into the market for bulk purchases which has really helped.

Also for some of my ingredients; like Coconut it was tough, because it’s always a blind buy… Sometimes you buy right and other times you don't.

I have been able to build relationships with the sellers at the market and it’s been awesome.

I am someone who believes that; whatever your hand findeth to do, ensure you do it very well. I have sold children's items, dry ponmo, diapers and now granola. But as it is I think I love the granola bit most. I like what I do and I am happy doing it.

I see it becoming the number 1st granola bar brand and also the number 1 healthy cereal brand in Nigeria.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What is the name of your brand and what determined the choice of name?

Jojos Homemade: Jojoshomemade☺ My nick name.is JOjo coined from my firstname and surname😉. And since I make it from home...I decided to name it Jojoshomemade🙈

Kemi Mobuse Blog: You mentioned that; your granola is well distinguished from others, in what sense, do you have a secret ingredient we don't know of?

Jojos Homemade: I’ll say passion. I put so much passion into it to ensure it comes out right. Most times I am awake all night baking to ensure my customers are served fresh granola.
Every granola is different in terms of composition, taste and crunchiness. But with Jojoshomemade you'll definitely come back for more😍
Its crunchy, Yummy and sweetened with organic honey. No preservatives added
I’m actually being modest... make I no too loud my trumpet😂😂

Kemi Mobuse Blog: hahaha

Kemi Mobuse Blog: I heard granola is best taken with yoghurt, what is your own recommendation?

Jojos Homemade: Best? Not at all.
You can have it anyway you want to. It can be taken in several ways.
With yogurt, milk, as toppings (salad and muffins), ice cream, blend in your smoothie and as dry snack.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Niceeeee......

Kemi Mobuse Blog: what will people be surprised to learn about the CEO of Jojoshomemade?

Jojos Homemade: I'm a computer scientist turned baker🤣🤣

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What words do you live by?

Jojos Homemade: Whatever your hand findeth to do, do it well! And also never despise the days of little beginning.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Any advice for upcoming entrepreneurs?

Jojos Homemade: Business isn’t for the faint at heart. Once you put your hand on the plough... no looking back. Don’t ever give yourself reasons why it won’t work... Always be on the lookout for opportunities.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?

Jojos Homemade: We can be reached via the following channels
Email : jojoshomemade@gmail.com
Telephone: 0809 942 0373
Instagram & Twitter: @jojoshomemade

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Thanks for your time Cuz.

Jojos Homemade: You are most welcome Dear.

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  1. That is a good business idea and it look so sumptuous. Thanks for sharing. Now I know what healthy snacks to get when I get to Naija. Good job sis Jumoke and kudos Kemi for your passion for journalism.

  2. I'm a regular customer and I can tell you the granola is delicious on its own and without yoghurt and/or fresh fruit

  3. Jojo's Homemade Granola rocks!
    Keep up the good work
