I realized earlier on that fashion comes easily to me, so I embraced it as a profit making venture- Fashionista Yomi summer hues

By Kemi Mobuse - Thursday, October 12, 2017

My journey into the fashion world began with my mum. She bought me my first doll and taught me to sew...dressing the doll in my own version of "happening" clothes back then😬, was the highlight of my day, and a job I took seriously to heart. That was until a jealous friend of mine, decided my poor doll would make a better science experiment for dissection practice! ol boy!!! was I furious??????😭😭😭

The knack for dressing well and feeling good has been well inbred in my sisters and I though, that, we can't go wrong when it comes to Fashion. Infact, if you see one beautiful woman, wearing blue skyscraper gele, blue iro and buba, complimented with a blue bag and red lipstick walking as gingerly as possible and strutting proudly like a peacock, trust me, you just met our MUM!. hehe!!!Mama cannot come and carry last lailai!😏😑

Mama, God Rest her soul was a fashion icon to reckon with in her days, it's therefore no wonder, we proudly carry on the baton. We try to turn heads or at least attempt to break necks, whenever we have events to attend and do mama proud as well....but not in gbogbo colours ohhhh!lol!😊😊😊😊

Yomisummers as she is popularly called, is a fashion icon I admire greatly. The first time I came across her page, I find myself impressed and very much so,it's obvious the clothes she wears are very happy with her! lol!. Thing is, it takes a great deal to impress me especially fashion wise, and Trust me, I was really overwhelmed. There really is no style of hers, that I didn't love and it will be remiss of me, not to showcase such awesome talent and Beauty. 

She recently had a brief chat with Aso Ebi bella and with her permission, I am sharing it with us below: Read on and feel free to steal a style or two; also follow her on Ig here

AsoEbiBella: Name & Name of your brand?

Yomisummerhues: My name is Yomi Shabi, Creative Director at Summer Hues brand.

AsoEbiBella: At what age did you start becoming fascinated with fashion?

Yomisummerhues: It may sound cliche, but I have been a fashion enthusiast for as long as I can remember. However, it really manifested in my teenage years.

AsoEbiBella: How would you describe your style?

Yomisummerhues: I would first of all describe my style as been fluid and then effortlessly chic.

AsoEbiBella: What are your favorite colors?

Yomisummerhues: My favorite colors are yellow and green but they are however not limited to those two, I love anything bright as my brand name ‘ Summer Hues’ indicates.

AsoEbiBella: What is your favorite Aso Ebi Fabric to wear?

Yomisummerhues: That’s a tough one, I love versatility in any fabric, but if I have to choose I’d pick Silk and Tulle.

AsoEbiBella: How did you decide to turn your passion into profit?

Yomisummerhues: There is a saying, ‘follow your passion and you would never have to work a day in your life’. I realized earlier on that fashion comes easily to me, so I embraced it as a profit making venture.

AsoEbiBella: What are the best and worst aspects of working in a fashion/beauty industry in Nigeria?

Yomisummerhues: The best has to be me doing what I love at my own pace, and seeing my clients satisfied. While the worst aspect has got to be that the fashion/beauty industry in Nigeria is not regulated – the pros, however, outweighs the cons.

AsoEbiBella: What do you look out for in Aso Ebi?

Yomisummerhues: When it comes to fashion, I am a ‘rule breaker’ so the first thing I look out for in any aso ebi is, whether or not I can derive a monotonous look from it and of course my comfort.
AsoEbiBella: What is your most memorable Aso Ebi style moment?

Yomisummerhues: It has to be the baby pink dress with a detachable peplum which I must say got a lot of accolades from admirers. It was tailored by Montel’s Bespoke Tailoring.

AsoEbiBella: What has been the inspiration behind your Aso Ebi styles?

Yomisummerhues: The inspiration behind most of my aso ebi styles is the knack I have for standing out at any event I attend.

~ See more fab photos of @Yomisummerhues below…

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