The New Type Of Side Rhonkefella
By Kemi Mobuse - Wednesday, December 06, 2017
I have been there, done that and gotten hurt.
When I say go where the love is, some of you wouldn't understand but I do.
Look, your self esteem is very important, if it has been tampered with, hmmm!!!!there is little to what you will be able to achieve in life, so don't let anyone play you.
We don't plan this, it just happens and I won't blame you; not at all but, if you find yourself in this situation, just quit.
Truth is, You deserve much more. Jesus did not die on the cross so that you can become a side chic.
God didn't create you or make a side chick, second fiddle, second option Mbannu!
Don't believe in that saying that says: you either struggle for a man or snatch him.
According to your thought an abundance of heart so be it,so, if you believe in that ngwannu! keep struggling but, if you know you have great potentials if you know you are willing to be a better woman, if you know just like Eve you were created from a man's ribs , have faith that, soon u will find him.
Dear sisters, take my hand

"Go where the love is" and when you do make sure YOU are the NO 1, don't listen to Bobo juice, big big talk

Enough is enough.....