My coming to Nigeria helped me discover my true calling - Indian born, Nigerian based Interior Decorator & CEO of Barefeet Decor

By Kemi Mobuse - Thursday, December 21, 2017

The first time, I tried my hand at interior decorating; was when I got my first accommodation as a University Student. It was my first time of living alone and I was determined to make my room the envy of my colleagues, {as if they cared} lol!but guess what? No Money!!! At least, not the kind I thought I needed.

I decided to trust my gut and use what I have which included among other stuffs: a love frame given to me by an ex-boyfriend and a hand painted image of me, by another ex..hehe! (all na Décor). By the time I was done, I was surprised at our beautiful my room looked and everyone who came to visit me was impressed too! I learnt there and then that; decorating a house/home had very little to do with money and more to do with creativity.

Barefeet Décor is one hell of a creative brand; their products are not only unique but also eye catching. I especially love the fact that, their products encompasses every area of a home and everyone in the home, including the household pets.

I am even more amazed at the fact that, despite the challenges we are facing as a country, our culture and way of life is well appreciated by foreigners and the story behind this brand makes for a captivating read….

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Can we meet you?

Barefeet Home Decor: My name is Mehak and I am from India. I came to Nigeria after getting married 3years ago and this place has been home ever since.😘
I have studied Masters in Communication but I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit. I knew I want to be in a line of work where I get to meet new people and handle new challenges. I just had to wait till coming to Nigeria to find my true calling, I guess... Hehe

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What determined your passion for design? Tell us about the moment when you decided this is the way to go.

Barefeet Home Decor: I was honestly just exploring myself and Nigeria at the time. I had free time on my hands after moving to the country so; I started keeping busy by taking up some creative projects around the house. I enjoyed it a lot and my designs were appreciated by family and friends. It was my husband and friends' who pushed me to start selling what I created.
But, the deciding moment came after I saw people’s response to my first collection... Although, it took me a few months to be sure of myself and the line I had chosen. 😊

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Can you remember your first design project? Describe it a bit; whether it is a gizmo you worked at as a little kid or something that was sold at a large scale.

Barefeet Home Decor: My first design project was a handmade rug on which I had painted a chevron pattern...once when we had an upholsterer working in the house... I used to take my art supplies, sit next to him and work on my own project while he worked on his.
I would also help him with his work and in the process; I picked up a few new skills. It was really exciting to see my first handmade product😊

However, my product one which got sold out like hot cakes is; the tortoise floor cushion. I was simply thinking that; I can’t just keep making only round and square floor cushions... So, after a lot of thinking I zeroed down on the tortoise because it has a big back to provide space for a seat... A little bit of creativity went into designing and till day they are one of the most sought after products we have.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What fields of design are you most interested in? Do your works have anything to do with it? (We are asking this because not many designers do what they actually want)

Barefeet Home Decor: Everything about designing excites me...if I have to pinpoint, I would say; coming up with a useful yet creative product is the most exciting bit for me. As a person, I am more drawn to things which are different or unique. That; for me, is simply what I try to do with my work...I mostly create only those products which excites me and which I feel are creative but useful at the same time.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Chronologically describe what you are going through (feeling and thoughts) on your way to work.

Barefeet Home Decor: Hmmm... My mornings start either with the excitement of creating something new or just the stress of keeping on top of things and finishing orders.
I mentally go through the pending orders and try to manage my day so that, I can get the most out of it.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What inspires you?

Barefeet Home Decor: I love the colourful and vibrant culture of Nigeria which is much like my own. My biggest inspiration comes from here… It was the beauty and vibrance of the Ankara fabric which first inspired me to create something with it and then it just kept flowing from there

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What is the most frustrating aspect of your job as a designer? And the most rewarding one?

Barefeet Home Decor: The most frustrating part is availability of resources. There are many times; when we have to put off doing some projects as a result of lack of the correct resources.
The most rewarding is; definitely people's reactions on buying our products... The joy I see on their faces and the amazing and excited remarks they give... It makes me keep going. It’s precisely the reason why we are doing what we do, not to forget, it adds many fold to my own joy. 😊

Kemi Mobuse Blog: From your point of view, is design an art or a science?

Barefeet Home Decor: Good question... I would say it's a fine blend of the two... There is science involved when we are thinking about how to make a product work, how to make it more sturdy or at the simplest level; how to make them stand erect. However, it is an art to define its finer details, to make it look more appealing and even creating a blueprint of the product.  Art and science go hand in hand while designing.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Tell us something unusual that happened in your career.

Barefeet Home Decor: ME, being called a designer... That's what is unusual. I never expected this. But it feels nice
Kemi Mobuse Blog: What advice do you have for young designers reading this interview?

Barefeet Home Decor: Be true to your own style and create what excites you. If it comes from your heart, you will see people will love it too. .. The road is not always smooth but persistence in the right direction always pays off...
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?

Barefeet Home Decor: We have a good social media presence on Facebook and Instagram as Barefeetdecor and we have just recently built a website
You can choose any medium to get in touch 😊

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