The quest for satisfaction and Fulfillment led me into Fashion Designing - CEO HOUSE OF NADINA

By Kemi Mobuse - Monday, September 18, 2017

To the Glory of God, I was privileged and lucky to start working immediately after I was done with NYSC. Even though, it was in a totally unrelated field to what I majored in: ANIMAL NUTRITION...Hehe! I was still Thankful to have a regular paycheck and a means to take care of myself.

By the second year though! I became restless and bored. I decided to try my hands at selling laptops, which I did for a while...I used my fashion acumen and ordered for ladies clothes from the UK , I did that for a while too until I took in with my first baby....Then, back to work and the feeling of restlessness set in again...that was until I spoke to my dear friend..Segun Ojewale who advised me to start this blog....and there was my fulfilment right there!

I prayed to God, to grant me wisdom, and help me to keep going, well! after a I am...who says God doesn't answer prayers? 

I can therefore relate to Mrs Gigi's search for fulfillment and her interview with KMB makes for an enjoyable read....

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Can you kindly introduce yourself and your background?
House of Nadina: My name is Mrs Gigi Izevbigie. I am the the last child of Dr and Mrs Ogbeide, I schooled at the University of Benin (diploma in mathematics) and Bsc. at Benson Idahosa University (Accounting).
Kemi Mobuse Blog: How did you find yourself in fashion designing?
House of Nadina: I worked at Zenith bank for about 5yrs, after which I realized that; it wasn't what I wanted.
I later decided to search for what I could enjoy doing and at the same time make some income.
So, I started importing kids clothing from the United States. I did that for a while and yet, I still wasn't satisfied. I then prayed and asked God to direct me and lead me onto the right path….. To do something that people absolutely love and make demands for.
God did answer my prayers…I got the inspiration to use African prints and combine them with other fabric to make unique and peculiar outfits for kids and adults.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Wow! God indeed does answer prayers! How did you bring the inspiration and dream to reality?

House of Nadina: After I got the inspiration, the images and ideas for designs just kind of started rolling in…..  I sketched them down, passed them on to my tailors and they all end up coming out superbly.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Nice one! What is the name of your business?
House of Nadina: House of Nadina
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Why this choice of name?
House of Nadina: Well, I have got 3 blessed kids called Nadia, Nina and Nathan so I combined all their names together to come up with ‘NADINA’.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Niceee
House of Nadina: 👍

Kemi Mobuse Blog: From where do you draw inspiration for your designs?
House of Nadina: I make them up in my head. It just comes.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: All the time?
House of Nadina: Well most of the time. Other times, when I dress my kids up(which I love to do)I use their clothes as a guide line and crest something totally unique.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: How did you start out initially? Can you walk us through that?

House of Nadina: Well…My first piece is one of my flagship product, a tank top and ankara shorts/skirt/skirt shorts.
I got a website created and started running an online store. I posted pictures on my entire social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and the likes.
People who saw my posts loved them instantly.
I got several compliments….some said my items are different, unique and also easily affordable. So slowly but surely to the Glory of God we got a store some months ago.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: How long does it take to design and make a particular work? Can you give a short summary of the processes that go into each one?
House of Nadina: Once, I get inspiration, I sketch it down, think of the best fabric for it and hand the design to my tailors to sew.
I usually get like 10-15 designs before I start work on a new collection.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Do you have a favorite product out of all you’ve created?
House of Nadina: No!  I don't have one 😃
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Are you a self taught fashion designer or did you attend a training school?
House of Nadina: Oh no training school. My mum was a beautician. So, I grew up in the midst of fashionistas. All my sisters are into it in one way or the other.
So I guess you can say; it's in the blood.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What are the challenges you face in this business?
House of Nadina: Sometimes my tailors might not show up for one reason or the other.
Clients might be asking for unrealistic discounts.
Sometimes sales might just be discouraging.
Loss of staff
Dishonest staffs and more.
Kemi Mobuse Blog:  How can you say they have changed you/ your perspective?

House of Nadina: Ok for tailors disappointment I am planning on registering in a tailoring school so I can practically sew myself.
And for others I just try to diplomatic, patient and smart.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Which is your most popular item (include image)?

Kemi Mobuse Blog: How old is your brand now?
House of Nadina: 1 yr and a half
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Looking back, is there anything you wished to have done differently?
House of Nadina: I would have started my dream earlier.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: by the end of this year, and in the next 5 years, what would you wished to have achieved?
House of Nadina: I would want my brand to be well known all over the world and I’m sure that will happen because I got God as my foundation.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Personal wise, how can you describe your sense of style?
House of Nadina: Top notch👌
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Any advice for upcoming designers?
House of Nadina: The only one that can stop your dream is you, never give up on your dream and always make God the foundation of that dream.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Who are the celebrity/famous designers that you draw inspiration from?
House of Nadina: Hmmmmmm!......I was actually thinking about that. Because truly, I don't look at celebrity/famous designers for inspiration
Kemi Mobuse Blog: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
House of Nadina: That I am a very good dancer💃🏾
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
House of Nadina: Watsapp no is 08097259818,
IG and FB @houseofnadina
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Thanks for your time dear.
House of Nadina: Thank you.

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