The desire to beautify a Terracotta Bush-hut I got gifted with; was the Inspiration behind me starting my business....CEO The Kraftii Fox.

By Kemi Mobuse - Friday, September 08, 2017

Have you ever found yourself; being dragged off by an over enthusiastic friend, who was overly eager to show off a piece of art on the wall of her newly decorated living room? And all the while your friend was happily gushing about her newest acquisition; all you were doing was grinning like a cheshire cat, and nodding your head sharply at just the right moment...... simply because; you have absolutely no idea what the heck you were gazing at , or what she was rambling on about...I sha know, well...right there...doing the happy nodding is me, Lol!I sha know that, I was supposed to be happy for my friend and agreeing to everything and anything she says, Hehe!

Truth is; when it comes to art, I am the happy illiterate....Lol! at least, that was until I started Blogging. 

I was therefore absolutely awed when I came across the beautiful handcrafted flower vases that made by @Kraftii Fox. They were simply breathtaking, and a delight to look at.......  I therefore made it my duty to get to know the brain and beauty behind this beautiful Work....On getting to chat her up, I discovered that; She is as stimulating as her works and her interview with KMB makes for a scintillating read....

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Can you kindly introduce yourself?
The Kraftii Fox: My name is Adekunle Abiola, the Creative Director of The Kraftii Fox. I'm an artist and Real Estate developer. I studied at Babcock University and I have a Masters degree in Politics of Terror from the University of Kent. I currently live and work in Abuja.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: what term can we use to describe you and what you do?
Does the term artist apply to you?
The Kraftii Fox: I am an artist. At The Kraftii Fox, we make hand crafted ornaments for homes, gardens, offices, schools, restaurants and so on. We use all kinds of materials to create planters and ornaments.
These materials include terracotta, cement, wood and metal
The Kraftii Fox: The Kraftii Fox is basically an Arts and Crafts business
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Can you describe the time when you first realized that creating was something you absolutely had to do?

The Kraftii Fox: I have always been artistic but growing up I was never really encouraged. A friend of mine then gifted me with these beautiful terracotta bush huts she bought from Kaduna. Even though they were nice I felt they were to plain so I decided to paint on them with my daughter's art supplies. I really loved the outcome and I placed them on my doorstep in between my flowers and everyone who visited absolutely loved them. So I bought more bush huts and started painting for fun. From there I moved on to flower pots. That was the birth of a new business.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Where do you draw your inspiration from?
The Kraftii Fox: Everywhere. From every shape, colour, design, pattern, everything I see around me.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: Can you say being an artist has changed you as a person, or the way you view the world as a whole?
The Kraftii Fox: Definitely. The little things I never used to pay attention to now catch my attention. It has also helped me when designing houses for my Real Estate business. I am now able to infuse art in my daily activities. I also appreciate all art pieces I see. The efforts put into by the artist who created the piece.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What kind of creative patterns, routines or rituals do you use when coming up with a new project?
The Kraftii Fox: Quite honestly I just go with what is on my mind at the time. I might start with an idea and end up with something else.
Kemi Mobuse Blog: What can you say is your favorite product so far and why?
The Kraftii Fox: I don't have a favourite product. I love everything I've done and wish I could keep all to myself 😃

Kemi Mobuse Blog: What’s the best advice you ever had about how to be more creative?

The Kraftii Fox: A lot of people give advice and even become 'art experts' which I find very funny. Even my parents have suddenly become art critics 😃. But the best advice was from a fellow artist and she said- not everybody will appreciate your work but focus on the people who appreciate your art.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: why did you choose the name Kraftii Fox?
The Kraftii Fox: My friend chose the name for me and I liked it.

Kemi Mobuse Blog: any advice for upcoming artists or anyone venturing into same field?
The Kraftii Fox: My advice to anyone trying to venture into the same field is just do it and make it meaningful
Kemi Mobuse Blog: Lastly, how can you be contacted?
The Kraftii Fox: My Instagram handle is @thekraftiifox
Phone No: 08029591018

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  1. Beautiful pieces. I love creative artworks...not complex drawings though. Lol
