Don't marry a man who doesn't have a job - Pastor Adeboye advises women

By Kemi Mobuse - Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Pastor Adeboye also advised women not to marry a man who has no job.

"Don't marry a man who has no job. Before God gave Adam Eve, he gave him a job. He said this is the garden, keep it. So those who come to you and say sister, thus saith the lord, you are going to be the star in my firmament, ask him what is his job.
If he tells you he is a contractor, ask him to show you evidence of all the contracts he has done because the contract he is talking about is you. He wants to live off you. Don't be a fool. If he hasn't got a steady income, don't marry him. A man is to provide for the house and not the other way round. If he has no income, he should not marry. Those who do not work should not eat and if they can't eat, they can't even marry"he said
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