Kolo (Money saving Box) makes a Big Come Bank, Thanks to Mrs Adenike Adeleye CEO of Kolo by Denike
By Kemi Mobuse - Friday, January 05, 2018
I had
my first experience with Kolo while growing up…….Mum, God Rest her soul,
decided to give all six of her Children a Kolo (money saving box}each. Funny
thing is, none of the cash given to me ever made its way into my kolo. Mummy; anytime
we were given money, with a stern and unsmiling face, will say: Oya, pass me
the money and let me keep for you. The little tyke who dares protest among us
should consider him/herself a goner….. because, you will hear Mummy murmuring
while puttering around, God Knows she is trying, she feeds us, she clothes us,
and even buy us things, so what does she need our little change for. Lol! She
naturally always forget to mention that, the money for all above mentioned comes
from Daddy ohhh!
That experience nevertheless taught me to
save, although I never really made a success of it until I got to University.
Being a member of FIN, I recently came across saving with Kolo again and all of
a sudden, it became a “thing” and one of my New Year resolutions. Coming across
Mrs Adenike Adeleye was refreshing for me, because of the great impact that a
brand like hers is bound to have on our economy and individuals as well. I was
extremely curious to learn more and she was more than delighted to share with
us all……read below:
KMB: Can you kindly introduce
By Denike: I am Adenike Adeleye, daughter of the
Most High, wife of a King and mother to Queens.
I am a passionate lover of The Father,
trying to be the best person l can be.
KMB: When and how did you decide you wanted to make money bank
By Denike: About 2years ago, l got this money
"eating" safe from China. I was going to import them but the exchange
rate issue came up and l decided to look inward instead. I realized that; we
have always saved in one way or another and I thought it a great idea to
modernize our "old designs" and also teach the younger generation
about our culture, that is why all our Kolos have a name. I did a little bit of
research and here we are…
You can say; Kolo by Denike is a product of
divine arrangements.
KMB: Can you walk us through how you
started out?
By Denike: I started with wooden boxes shaped like
houses and then went for fired clay which we painted colourfully.
Ikoko one of the first Kolos is a nod to my
grandmother's water pot. She had a clay water pot when l was younger and the
water was always cool👌🏽
KMB: What challenges have you had to
deal with since you started and what can you say they taught you?
By Denike: Mostly manpower issues.
Workmen not keeping to delivery dates and
of course finishing the products in the standards l am used to. But we are
getting round it…..It has taught me paaatience!
KMB: Do you have a favorite among
your products?
By Denike: Hmm!I
love them all, because each is different. If l had to choose, l would say Ponle
and Bukka!.
Bukka is the hausa word for hut
Ponle means honoured in Yoruba.
KMB: Wow!!! That's nice
By Denike: The design is another nod to my
grandmother's soup pot with a cover. So l designed it to have the cover fixed
and then brightened it up.
KMB: How has the market reception
By Denike: It has been encouraging, people are very
interested and the new saving culture helps too.
We have customers in Abuja, Jalingo, Ibadan
and of course Lagos
KMB: What plans do you have for kolo
by Denike in the near future?
By Denike: We plan to improve on our packaging so we
can supply stores and extend our reach.
We also intend to improve our online
visibility, as we have realized that it is the "new" marketplace.
KMB: Any advice to upcoming
By Denike: Follow your dreams
KMB: Lastly, how can you be
By Denike: Tel:234-8023983644
Email:Kolo bydenike@gmail.com
Facebook :Adenike Adeleye/bydenike